There may be a number of reasons why you no longer require your licence agreements (LA). You could be planning a new installation / upgrade to Microsoft’s latest versions of Office or Server products. You may have licences that your company no longer needs due to restructuring. Whatever the reason, the licence agreements that your company owns may be transferable and as such retain a residual value.
Is this Legal?
In accordance with the European Software Directive 2009, it is legal to transfer the ownership as well as the LA/PUR’s from either an insolvent or solvent company to another solvent business as long as the sales transaction adheres to the local governing laws. Documentation will be provided to prove legal ownership / transfer in the event of an Audit and Microsoft are also notified of every transfer.
Reasons why you may own redundant Microsoft Licenses or may need to purchase some?
- Mergers / Acquisitions – You may need more or less licenses
- License Compliance – Microsoft Audit identified a licensing gap
- Upgrading to a new version of a Microsoft product
- Licenses superseded by an Enterprise Agreement
Reasons to be a member of The SAM Club
The SAM Club with our unique SAM Workbook keeps a track of the license agreements our clients own. We can therefore proactively advise our clients on licenses agreements that may be transferable providing a residual value.
How we can help:
- With the records we hold from The SAM Club members, we may be able to broker a deal between a member who has license agreements to transfer with another member that requires the same version
- With our partner that specialises in transferring Microsoft Licenses between organisations