During 2022 we have seen Microsoft, Adobe and VMware all increase their prices. But it is not only the vendors themselves that have an impact on the software price. The US Dollar exchange rate does too.
On Wednesday 21st September the UK Pound hit a 37-year low against the USA Dollar to $1.1305, its lowest since March 1985. This time last year the exchange rate was around 1.36
With software that has their pricing set according to the US Dollar each month, the cost for renewals for products such as Citrix and Cisco will be significantly higher.
How can you try and combat this? It’s a difficult one but the resellers purchase via a distributor with each adding their margin onto the quotes. It is therefore important to validate quotes with alternative resellers to determine the best price. At The SAM Club, being independent and not a reseller, the task of obtaining competitive quotes from the resellers is included with our service.
If you would like to know more about The SAM Club’s services and how we can be of assistance, then please contact us at [email protected]